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17 May, 2018
Do you use or are you considering using Smith.ai for virtual receptionist services? With Filevine™, an integration with virtual receptionist services is simple to set up and easy to utilize. How to use Smith.ai with Filevine There are a number of ways to leverage Smith.ai and Filevine for even m...
15 May, 2018
Easy and secure legal document management Legal professionals sink a massive amount of time into editing documents. Whether it’s tiny adjustments to please a picky client or massive rewrites to address shifting case law, we’re always making new drafts. That’s exactly why Filevine’s latest feature ...
8 May, 2018
Give your law firm a full hearing with Filevine Periscope™ We push ourselves hard to perform well at court hearings. But do we ever turn inward to give our own legal practice a ‘hearing’? One synonym of a ‘hearing’ is an ‘audit.’ It’s connected to ‘auditory’ and ‘audition.’ Though we may h...
3 May, 2018
You don’t need to be a data analytics geek to harness the power of Key Performance Indicators: you just need a few tools. Updated for 2019, we’ll give you an intro to law firm analytics and what metrics could be crucial to your practice. Our Case Management Software features “Periscope” which is Fil...
26 April, 2018
First, the good news: Law offices are more collaborative than ever. They’re more cloud-based and less reliant on paper than ever. It’s a shift that has revolutionized the practice of law. But it comes with a price. That price is file-naming hygiene. Now, here’s the bad news: to harvest this new ca...
19 April, 2018
You hate them. You need them. You can’t do without them. They make your life easier and cause constant distractions. It’s time for attorneys to write better legal emails. Last week the whole country started talking about attorney emails. In the aftermath of the FBI raid on attorney Michael Cohen...