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28 June, 2018
When your organizing system breaks down, things can get ugly. Missed deadlines; cases falling through the cracks; a total lack of a big picture, or any idea of who is working on what. In the timeless words of Bill Murray: “Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.” The cure to mass hysteria is...
21 June, 2018
Automation for Attorneys is here – and it’s making their practice faster and more rewarding Despite the charismatic oral arguments you see on TV, we all know the law is often a practice of paper-pushing and data-entry. Each step in the case cycle comes only from intensive activity from an attorney ...
15 June, 2018
Ryan McKeen gives us a sneak peek at true automation for law firms Last April, attorney Ryan Mckeen shared his firm management “secret sauce” with us on the Filevine Fireside. In the last year alone, Ryan’s Connecticut personal injury law firm has grown rapidly. He and his colleagues have hit their...
14 June, 2018
Joe Galotti weighs in on Filevine’s worth as a communications tool Whether it be with clients or staff members, the ability to communicate means everything when it comes to an attorney’s ability to manage a law office. At Answering Legal, we know the importance of communication quite well, as our c...
7 June, 2018
Too much blue light can wreck your health, but lawyers can fight back. There are a million reasons why the paperless, cloud-based office is good for lawyers. Our own studies showed a 67% increase in productivity through cloud-based case management software. Other research has found a digi...
23 May, 2018
Introducing Auto-hashtags Automated case monitoring Filevine is rolling out automatic hashtags. This beta feature lets you mass tag many projects at once according to their most important parameters. When you create an Auto-hashtag, every project that meets your custom criteria will auto...