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5 August, 2016
Let’s take a look at this week in legal news. Pants and Christ Wu Liangshu, BBC You know it’s going to be a weird week when the first stories you read are about pants – more specifically, the lack thereof. Firstly, a defendant appeared in a Louisville, Kentucky court without any pants on. Judg...
29 July, 2016
Let’s take a look at this week in legal news. Reagan Shooter To Be Released Failed assassin John Warnock Hinckley Jr is set to be released on August fifth, thirty-five years after he attempted to kill U.S. President Ronald Reagan. District Judge Paul Friedman of the District of Columbia ruled ...
Last month a former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner was given a light jail sentence for sexual assault of an unconscious woman. A couple weeks ago, two black men – Alton Sterling and Philando Castile– were fatally shot by police, the first while immobilized and the second during a traffic ...
22 July, 2016
At the same time that the Supreme Court is upholding all-things-arbitration, buckets of evidence are surfacing about the arbitration system’s mind-boggling failures. State judges admit to backing the Supreme Court’s decisions only while holding their noses, while consumer advocate groups whip up pub...
15 July, 2016
While journalists are calling 2016 the “Year of Ransomware,” more and more users are blindsided by that stomach-lurching pop-up note announcing that every file on your computer is now encrypted and held for ransom. This post explains what ransomware is, why cybercriminals are targeting law firms, an...
8 July, 2016
From the consumer’s perspective, the Law has been a respected and feared pillar of society. Lawyers, judges and legal workers have stood as the gatekeepers to the Law’s exclusive domain, the purveyors of a mysterious and powerful knowledge. Big law firms and established institutions have ruled the l...