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2 June, 2017
What’s Our Role During the Demise of the EPA? We’ve written before about the potential of a future when auto accident cases may dry up, and the need to be thinking creatively now about your firm’s future focus. There are some glaring areas in need of good plaintiff-side lawyers: It comes down to t...
19 May, 2017
We hope you read our warnings about Kidnapped Computers and the new wave of highly sophisticated computer viruses. If you didn’t, here’s a run-down of the latest mayhem, and steps you can take to protect your practice and increase law firm security. If you weren’t worried before: here’s one more ...
12 May, 2017
Canadian spammers are losing sleep and “battening down the hatches” in the weeks before July 1st. That’s the date when the final provisions of an anti-spam law go into effect, including the big boogey-man that most frightens unscrupulous bulk-emailers: a consumer’s right to sue. Canada’s Anti-Spam ...
28 April, 2017
We’ve written before that multitasking is a killer, but in the driver’s seat the metaphor becomes literal. New technology aims to cut down on distracted driving — and the information it gathers might prove invaluable in personal injury lawsuits. Texting while driving is increasingly being viewed as...
21 April, 2017
With so many legal loopholes, how can attorneys hold airlines accountable? You’ve probably seen the cell phone footage by now: on April 9th, Kentucky resident Dr. David Dao was dragged, screaming and bloody, off a United flight. Though United CEO Oscar Munoz publicly apologized for the brutal “rea...
14 April, 2017
Before we take a dive into the law metrics that build great legal teams, let’s talk basketball. The NBA Finals are just around the corner, and fans are already arguing over who will be named this season’s Most Valuable Player. Will Stephen Curry pull off a third-consecutive MVP (something only thre...