Jobs to be Done Theory

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The Jobs to be Done (JTBD) theory is a framework used in product development and innovation. It emphasizes understanding the underlying reasons why customers hire (or fire) a product or service – the "jobs" they are trying to get done – rather than focusing solely on the product's features.
The company used the Jobs to be Done theory to develop a new laundry detergent that addressed consumers' unmet needs for faster stain removal.

There isn't a specific legal case for the JTBD theory, but it's a valuable framework in business strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

JTBD theory focuses on understanding the functional, social, and emotional needs that customers are trying to fulfill. By identifying these "jobs," businesses can develop products and services that are truly aligned with customer needs.

Traditional approaches may focus on product features and functionality, whereas JTBD emphasizes understanding the underlying customer motivations and desired outcomes.

Yes, JTBD theory can be a valuable tool for businesses in various industries to develop innovative solutions that resonate with their target customers.

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