Gap Period

GAP pee-ri-od
The gap period, in insurance, refers to the time between the cancellation of one policy and the start of another. During this gap, an individual may be uninsured and financially responsible for any covered events that occur.
The driver was concerned about being uninsured during the gap period between canceling their old car insurance and activating the new policy.

Finding a specific legal case example for the gap period might be difficult, as it's a general insurance concept.

Frequently Asked Questions

To avoid a gap in coverage, communicate with your insurance companies well in advance of policy changes. You can also consider purchasing gap coverage, which is an optional insurance rider that can help cover the difference between the actual cash value of your car and the amount owed on your loan if your car is totaled.

Not always. Whether or not you need gap coverage depends on the value of your car, the amount you owe on your loan, and your personal risk tolerance.

If you have a gap in coverage and experience a covered event (like an accident or theft) during that time, you will be financially responsible for the damages or repairs. This could result in significant financial hardship.

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