Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

FED-er-al rools of SIV-il pro-SEE-jer
The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) are the rules that govern procedure in all civil cases filed in federal courts in the United States. They address matters such as pleading, discovery, and trial.
The attorney argued that the opposing party's failure to comply with the FRCP resulted in exclusion of certain evidence.

There isn't a specific case example for the FRCP itself, but they are applied in countless federal civil cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

The FRCP aim to ensure fairness, efficiency, and predictability in federal civil litigation.

No, the FRCP apply to federal courts. State courts have their own rules of civil procedure.

The FRCP are available online on the website of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts https://www.uscourts.gov/rules-policies/current-rules-practice-procedure/federal-rules-civil-procedure.

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