Digital Trademark Infringement

DIJ-i-tul trademark in-FRINJ-ment
Digital trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a trademark on the internet or in any digital format. This can include using a trademarked logo on a website, using trademarked keywords in online advertising, or selling counterfeit goods online.
The clothing company sued a competitor for digital trademark infringement after they discovered the competitor was selling counterfeit shirts with their logo.

In Tiffany (NJ) Inc. v. eBay Inc. (2011), the court found eBay liable for facilitating the sale of counterfeit goods on its platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Trademarks protect logos, slogans, and other brand identifiers, while copyrights protect original creative works like books, music, and software.

Yes, trademark owners can sue for infringement if their trademark is being used without permission in a way that is likely to cause confusion among consumers.

The penalties for digital trademark infringement can include injunctions, damages, and attorneys' fees.

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