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5 June, 2020
Law offices have been moving toward digital documents for years now. But the COVID-19 pandemic might have struck the final death knell for paper-bound legal work. At a time when even jury trials are being held over Zoom, lawyers need fast, nimble ways to manage their digital documents. These tools ...
15 May, 2020
COVID-19 shut down law offices around the world nearly overnight. Nobody expects the return to normalcy to happen that quickly. In many places, it’s still unclear when law offices will be allowed to reopen. Under a patchwork of shifting federal, state, county, and municipal restrictions, it’s diff...
8 May, 2020
Did you know Filevine could do this? Distilleries figured out how to produce hand sanitizer. Glass-makers started churning out ventilator parts. Hotels repurposed themselves into temporary hospitals. The COVID-19 crisis revealed our tremendous potential for ingenuity, as we found new uses for the e...
16 April, 2020
We’re all doing our best with social distancing, giving up our social life, working remotely, and even giving others on the sidewalk wide berth as we pass. But now imagine: you’re crowded in one room with hundreds of other people, for 12 hours over 2 days. That’s just a normal bar exam, but in the ...
9 April, 2020
Beginning April 13, 2020, New York state will reopen its courtrooms to civil cases—virtually. Until now, many dockets have been frozen, with “nonessential” actions for pending lawsuits and criminal cases on hold. But with a new directive from Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks, judges wil...
4 April, 2020
Dear Filevine Customers, In today’s challenging market, client experience is more important than ever. Potential new clients have a deluge of information and more options at their fingertips than at any time in the past. It’s no longer enough for law firms to provide good service—the...